Contre la montée de l’Extrème-Droite, 14 affichistes luxembourgeois engagés pour réveiller les consciences à la veille des Élections européennes

Derrière le nom « The Future is now », un collectif de 14 graphistes, illustrateurs et photographes luxembourgeois s’est mobilisé pour sensibiliser la population aux risques liés à la montée en puissance des partis politiques d’extrème-droite, à l’approche des élections européennes le 9 juin prochain.

Leur idée: concevoir des messages forts pour réveiller les consciences, et lancer une grande campagne d’affichage sauvage. Une cagnotte en ligne, créée pour couvrir les frais d’impression, vient d’atteindre et de dépasser l’objectif fixé. La campagne d’affichage verra donc le jour, une semaine avant que la population ne soit appelée aux urnes.

The Future Is Now was born out of the urge to take a stand against right-wing politics and everything that it entails.

Irina Moons, co-fondatrice – The Future is now

Voici leur communiqué:

On 9th of June, Europe will vote a new European Parliament.

Across the continent populistic and nationalist-right and extreme right parties are on the rise.

As a society we are confronted with social inequality and rising poverty rates, the slow collapse of public health and education, a full blown housing crisis, environmental meltdown, economic dead-ends, inhumane immigration strategies, racism, discrimination and war – to name just a few.
Reactionary parties offer simplistic solutions for complex struggles and often at the expense of others.

‘The future is now’ is a small independent initiative that wants to raise awareness on these various political issues and incite the need for fundamental social change towards a more just, sustainable and progressive society.

We asked several photographers, illustrators, graphic designers, and artists from Luxembourg to conceive each a poster which calls to action for a better future for all.

And this is where you come in!

In the following days, we‘ll be launching a crowdfunding campaign to collect donations as to be able to cover the costs for the billposting in designated public places. As to thank you for your donation, you‘ll receive a poster showing all the posters created for this campaign. Up to you to choose if you want to put it up on the street as well or keep it at home.

So stay tuned for the reveal of our posters and the offical launch of the crowdfunding campaign!

Let’s take a stance for real and radical change because #thefutureisnow !

Les 14 affiches anti-extrème-droite:

Les designers engagés:

  • Sven Becker
  • Annick Kiefer
  • Patrick Hallé
  • Laura Folschette
  • Julie Wagener
  • Olli Eickholt
  • Studio Yo
  • Sarah Mossong / Pol Biewer (Shift Studio)
  • Rémi Gammaitoni
  • Paul Schroeder
  • Roxanne Flickr
  • Irina Moons
  • Dirk Kesseler
  • Isabelle Matter