Après-Covid: 80% des marcoms luxembourgeois favorables à plus de flexibilité dans leur temps de travail

La plateforme jobs.lu vient de publier les résultats de l’enquête «Global Ways of Working», réalisée par le BCG et The Network. L’objectif de cette enquête est d’analyser l’impact à long terme de la pandémie sur le monde du travail.

Pour adada, jobs.lu en a extrait les informations relatives au Luxembourg, et en particulier au secteur marcom luxembourgeois:

Working from home isn’t new. Before the pandemic, however, many companies were still treating it as an occasional practice allowed only for certain employees. COVID-19 has democratized distance work. The details vary, but it’s clear that overall flexible work awareness has created an expectation that will outlive the crisis.

20% of respondents would like to have complete timing flexibility, with no fixed work hours at all.

The desire for flexibility does not stop at location; it extends to work time as well. Roughly 15% of respondents in Luxembourg working in Marketing and Communication say they want a traditional 9-to-5 job with fully fixed hours. The largest proportion (more than 60%) would prefer a combination of fixed and flexible time, which could take the form of a daily window of a few hours when everyone is required to work and flexibility regarding the remaining required time. Another 20% of respondents would like to have complete timing flexibility, with no fixed work hours at all.

Flexibility relating to when one is at one’s desk is obviously helpful to the work-from-home model in that it allows for personal preferences and family commitments. Of course, the model also requires discipline on the part of the remote worker and a reverse sort of flexibility so that colleagues in other time zones aren’t forever unable to engage the remote worker in real time.

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